At the beginning of 2021, our customer OTIDEA asked us to cooperate on the modernization of the web and administration portal During the first quarter of the year, we carried out a really thorough analysis, during which we familiarized ourselves with the processes of the website and its administration. Within this portal, OTIDEA offers various training courses or webinars in the field of public procurement.
The subsequent development block included both the modernization of the web portal, especially its facelift, and the complete implementation of the administration portal with a connection to the iDoklad invoicing system (e.g. automatic creation and subsequent pairing of advance invoice payments, automatic creation of a tax document after payment of the advance invoice, or the creation of a "crisp" invoice on the day of the training, in case the advance invoice has not yet been paid). The goal was to program the existing functionality in new and more modern technologies, which our developers did very well.
A pilot version was delivered in the autumn, followed by only minor tweaks to enable the customer to use the portals without problems.