For P3N AG, we are currently revitalizing the argos.BAUM mobile app for urban green management. The original app, which was used by inspectors for regular green inspections, had reached the end of its useful life, so we undertook its "re-development" in Ionic (the multi-platform framework in which we currently develop most of the mobile apps for our customers).
Not only will we develop the app in line with modern trends, but we will also dress it up with a fresh new design. The aim of the development is not only to maintain the original functionality (workflow), but also to enrich it with new features (e.g. displaying individual trees in the map according to the current state, differentiated by colored pins), or more intuitive and compact control.
Currently, the development team is working hard to finalize the 1st stage of development, after which we will deliver the first test version to the customer and look forward to their feedbacks.